Saturday, August 26, 2006

More screencaps to come!

Lovely screencaps below...I just wanted to add, there will be a lot more where those screencaps came from...oh, in about...a few days or so.


Friday, August 25, 2006

A Couple of Screencaps...

Giggles and I thought it'd be a nice treat to show you a few screencaps from "When Do We Eat?" If you still haven't seen the movie, maybe this will give you a hint of what Adam is like in this film.

Credit to Mr. G from the Shiri Appleby FanForum message board.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Beautiful Loser Update!

While checking my typical array of websites today, I noticed that John Nolte, writer and director of "Beautiful Loser", posted on IMDB.

"Hi, fellow Adam Lamberg fans. I've started a blog to answer questions and keep fans updated on "Beautiful Loser." We'll have a full film website soon.

Feel free to check it out and participate.

Check it out! They are in the process of creating a fun MySpace page for the character of Reggie (his 17 year old self) and new pictures will be posted! So keep an eye on the blog. There should be some cool stuff coming up in the next few months. :)