Thursday, October 12, 2006

Video From the Past

This past month has given us no new Adam news. But I thought I'd make an appearance on the blog and link you fans to some footage that may be unfamiliar to you.

Back in 2002, I believe, Adam was a co-host on an educational program called "What's Up in the Environment?" To my knowledge, it aired on PBS at least once. (I had the unexpected pleasure of seeing most of it one Sunday morning when channel surfing. Had I not been surprised to see it, I would have tried to record it, instead of waiting for a later showing.)

Giggles and I would love to have screencaps for you guys but this item is quite pricey. So for now, we will settle with some very short video clips from the program, all of which feature Adam's voice and one that shows him.


(Sorry for the small resolution size of these videos.)

Maybe in the future, more video footage will come. There's one particular scene that I know you fans would find interesting.